
Welcome to Judget

Press for Justice

Welcome to Judget 

Judget is a social media platform dedicated to shift the way people fight. It is designed to simulate a court of public opinion with features inspired by the rules of a court of law.

Judget invites you to share your differences and express your opinion in the most responsible and honest way possible. Our features are designed and adapted to a more confrontational behavior and help provide a more equitable resolution to an online dispute. 

You can either share a case or judge the case of another user. Judgment requires maturity therefore users are required to be 18 years or older to sign in to Judget.

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Welcome to Judget 

Submit your case

Judget is where you can share any type of dispute that you believe worthy of judgment. You can submit your issues before the Judget community by posting a “Case” into “the Courtroom”.

Describe your issue as objectively as you can and add your arguments and opinions. You may always support your case with a photo, a link and hashtags.

Be careful and choose your words wisely as you may not edit, vote, nor comment on your case after it has been submitted. Once ready, you can “Press for Justice”.

Submit your case

The Courtroom

Your cases are always submitted into the Courtroom. This is the main feed of Judget where disputes are submitted, positions are confronted, and verdicts are given.

Judget does not function on a follower basis. It is not about who you are or what you like. Instead, it is about your intellectual contribution and your position on given issues. This is why Judget offers a single feed where all users can be exposed to, and participate in, a diverse range of opinions. The hashtags allow you to navigate through your topics of interest.

The Courtroom

Your Verdict 

Once a case is submitted into the courtroom the entire Judget community may judge it. A user wishing to judge a selected case may express their position by voting on it. They may either approve or disapprove the issue at hand and their vote is cast in isolation of other users. Once you vote, you gain access to the wider net of user interactions around the case.

This is where you may justify and explain your vote by writing your verdict. Each user is only allowed one single verdict per case. Verdicts of high quality may be rewarded an upvote.

Judget is not a discussion forum and we hope to discourage endless back-and-forth arguments. The aim is not to moderate a social debate but to simulate a court of public opinion.

Your Verdict 

Get started!

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